Monday, June 9, 2008

Town House Flip Side Crackers

Redefining the phrase "Catch you on the flipside!" - these crackers are DELICIOUS!
I tried the cheddar cracker variety. One side is a regular cheddar cracker, the other side a pretzel. I don't know how those elves do it, and I don't care. At a friend's house, snacking on these with a dazzling array of cheeses made for the perfect amuse bouche while having a few drinks on a warm summer evening. They will be in my cart for sure on my next trip to the local grocer.


joelville said...
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joelville said...

tried the Cheddar ones and they were about as boring as can be. By combining a cheese it and a pretzel it is none of either and just a slightly thicker cracker.

I wish it could have been the best of both, but it ended up losing both ends of goodness. And the original thing it did create was just greasy slivers.